It's raining, it's pouring...and that's very unusual for Abilene! All week, it's been kind of gray and we've had several showers. The locals say that usually it will rain and then the weather will go back to sunny and dry, but no luck. It should be no surprise to Russ and I, who have had an interesting history with the weather here. Last February, we got stranded here due to an ice storm. We came back in June only to experience a HUGE hailstorm. Oh well, I kind of see it as a good thing, since I love the rain (and it's not quite to ark-sized proportions yet).
We started Urban Evangelism and Strategy Planning (or something like that) on Monday. We're learning about how to go about analyzing Salvador to create an effective strategy to reach people. It's very interesting and it is very useful, though after our class yesterday, we were all ready to leave for Salvador now!
I think Portuguese has slowed down a bit. (Lest any of my teammates correct me, I just mean we don't have as many vocabulary words every night- we still have quite a bit of homework!). It's exciting now that we've been studying it for a WHOLE MONTH now- I know how to say a few things! I can make sentences!
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