We had a great time when a Brazilian family we are getting to know came over for dinner a little over a week ago. Many of you read about the experience so I won't repeat it. I did want to share what happened afterward, though.
Before I can do that you need to know something about stores here in Brazil. In the past 50-100 years the states have moved more and more away from the neighborhood stores that carry most of the basics we use in our daily lives. In their places have come the superstores and now the mega-superstores promising everything from an embrodary needle to a car jack. For as much as we may like the smaller store where we are known and we know the owners we have become acustom to the megastores. Well Brazil jumped onto the megastore bandwagon. Here most neighborhoods have one or two small markets where you can find things for your basic needs. This concept is not only limited to food it also expands to every other type of store and in the case of my store focuses on hardware stores.
Now understand that I grew up in a small town with a local hardware store. My family has an account there and most of the workers know my dad's name. So I like the small store, yet there are times one has to admit one store with lots of variety is sometimes nice.
Two weeks ago I noticed that the bolts one our swing were starting to pull out. AFter a little examination I noticed it was becase the bolts were simply screwed into the wood and did not have nuts to hold them in place. No problem, I fixed things much worse then this. However, I had not done so in Brazil. Needless to say, several hardware stores later I still have no nut for the bolt and the swing is still in pieces on our balcony. What is more, while visiting the last store two of the workers told me that finding a nut for bolt was very difficult and they could only think on one store half-way across town that could help me. This was all less than encouraging, until our dinner guest.
While they were over Aldebranson and I were talking and he asked me about the swing. After explaining my saga he asked for the bolt and told me he would take care of it. Wouldn't you know it two days later our portaria calls up telling me that Aldebranson has left something for me to pick up and what do I find a bolt, a nut, and even and tool perfectly fitting the bolt size. What a great help. I cannot tell you how often scenerios like this have played over and again in my life and in the lives of other teammembers since we have arrived. It is amazing how helpful finding the right people can be. The same is true about our Lord, we can search the world and still come up dry, but find the Lord and He will provide what you need.
Hello Mission Salvador team! We're friends of Travis and Alicia and found your team's blog and website from Travis and Alicia's latest newsletter. Travis' old Abilene roller hockey team has linked to their page from the team page: http://sasquatches.blogspot.com/ . We may temproarily link to it from our China page, too (we'll be taking off all the potentially troublesome links once it get's time to apply for our visas): http://hopechina.blogspot.com/ .
We're praying for you guys! We plan to be in your shoes in less than a year.
- Joel and Jessica
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