Sunday, December 21, 2003

Well, the rough draft of the strategy document is now complete. I can't say it was always easy or always fun, but we made it through. And we've learned a lot about working together in the process. I have to say that I had no idea just how much of our time it would suck up. Of course that still left time for...

...the first ever Salvador Team Christmas party! We had a great time- tons of food, White Elephant gifts and we all donated presents for a couple of Brazilian families that are studying at ACU. It was great to have that chance to relax in the middle of our work on the strategy.

...trips to Amarillo and San Antonio- churches that support Continent itself. Central (Amarillo) and Northside (SA) blew us away by their kindness and hospitality and love for the Lord and the people of His world.

...a new team member!!! On Dec. 17, Mary Virginia and her beau, Matt Mabery, got engaged! We are so glad to have Matt as an official part of the team now. Even though he can be pretty quiet at times (at least compared to some of us!), he is such a great asset. Welcome, Matt!


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