Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Hello everybody! Winter has finally arrived in Abilene. I had to wipe quite a bit of snow off the car this morning. It's all going to melt, but it's pretty while it lasts. We're just finishing up a great week of ACU lectureship. We worshipped with Hallal and Zoe Group, and we even got to meet Max Lucado. Valerie and I spoke at the Continent of Great Cities dinner. It was packed with over 400 people. It's hard to believe it's been a year since we were introduced at the same dinner (and met the Sasses who are now part of our team). So much has changed. God is still teaching us to wait on him, and we are hustling while we wait. We have good contact with two churches, so keep sending the prayers up! The Parkers and Mary Virginia and Matt both have a sponsoring church - the rest of us don't. We know this refining process is needed for our work in Salvador, but it's still tough.

We have had some incredible classes on Brazilian religion, spiritual warfare, and family issues on a mission field. We have also met with missionaries who have been working in Porto Alegre, Brazil for about 20 months. They were very encouraging, and very realistic. We still have a lot of hurdles to jump before becoming brasileiros. We wish we could go today, but we will be in Salvador in only three weeks! Praise God!

Ate' logo,
Russell Q


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