We are slowly working on emerging from the black hole. Everyone is starting to get land lines and internet access so they can be in touch with the world. Russ and I are a little further behind. We're still working on getting our oven working (a long story). Let's just say that once it works, we will be taking a break from chicken nuggets for a while! Everything we buy seems to turn into an ordeal. It would be okay, but to get anything done, you have to sit at home and wait for a service guy to come. ALL DAY. They never come at 9:30. Usually, it's more like 4:00 if, indeed, you are fortunate enough to have them come on the day they said they would. So we continue to do a lot of sitting.
But we still love life here. We're glad to be here and wouldn't trade it for anything, even central air. Thanks to everyone who helped us get here and is helping us stay here! We love you!